Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Grindal Worms (Live Fish Food)

Soilless Grindal Worms Culture Package S$12
Inclusive of these:
- An additional plastic tub (16cm x 16cm x 6cm)
- A plastic tub of Grindal Worms culture
- 2 small containers of dog biscuits (last weeks since you only feed 1-3 daily or every 2 days)
- 2 plastic harvesting sheets (you can experiment with glass, needlepoint board, etc.)

I feed my adult fish Grindal worms. They love it very much. Some fish will need to get accustomed (so they try a first worm and then yummy!), and most fish will just eat anything that wriggles! *Not recommended to use as staple diet. Fish should be fed a variety of different food*

- You can swipe your finger against the sides/walls of container and feed directly to fish.
- Or dip harvesting sheet into container (filled with tank/aged tap water), and then feed using toothpick. If after dipping the worms into the container and the water is clean, you can pour them sparingly into the tank. However, I usually use a toothpick and feed sparingly. *Grindal worms can be very filling and thus not advisable to overfeed.*

- If you feed the correct quantity, the food will be finished within a day. If you overfeed, the food will grow moldy. When food grows moldy, the worms will probably not eat.
- I feed only 1-3 pieces of dog biscuit according to how big the population is. As you can see from the third picture above, I feed only 3 pieces and they are being consumed. This is the correct amount to feed.

1) Prepare 4-5 scrubber pads ($1 for a pack of 10 pads; easily available at neighbourhood shops selling buckets, etc.).
2) Wash them clean with only tap water, no detergent. *Squeeze and wash, squeeze and wash, lastly the pads will be moist*
3) Place the moist pads into the container, stacking them up one on top of another.
4) Pour water over the pads till the water level is up to bottom 1st or 2nd level.
5) For a start, place only 1 dog biscuit on the top of the uppermost pad.
6) Lightly spray the biscuit, making it damp. *The worms only eat moist food*
7) Place some worms on top of the dog biscuit so they get right down to eating.
8) Cover the worms with a harvesting sheet.
9) Place container in cool, dark place. If cannot find a cool dark place, you can always cover the container with pads or black paper. Best is to place container on wet cloth or in a tray of water so ants will not bother the worms. If placing on a tray of water, ensure that mozzies don't breed.

From personal experience:
*Avoid harvesting so soon. You should only harvest when there are a lot of worms.*
*Highly recommended to have at least 2 or more cultures to rotate between feeding days or in case your ony culture crash.*
*Check daily. Keep higher pads moist, but not wet. Place in cool place.*
*Ensure lid has fine holes for ventilation but not big holes because unwanted flies will get in.*
*All your worm cultures will last infinitely if maintained well. You'll get experience along the way.* 


  1. Is it good to guppy if i feed them grindal worm everyday? Only grindal they eat all day
